Iphone 5 Release Date

    Forget about an iPhone 5 yet. Analysts predict that the next apple iPhone is gonna be the iPhone 4GS, no LTE, no WIMAX and absolutely no iPhone 5 yet sorry for the disappointment .. the good news is that apple will broad its horizons making its iPhone available to Sprint and T-Mobile. Hopefully we'll see this by the end of the year..

    Apple - you know the company, the one with all the silver and black expensive gadgets - is looking at the age old problem of battery performance in phones.

    The new technology has been uncovered in a patent by AppleInsider, which looks at increasing the power density in batteries - essentially keeping the same volume while improving the amount of juice inside.

    This is achieved using a "multi-step constant-current constant-voltage (CC-CV) charging technique", which is science-speak for 'more sparky, same size-y'.

    Here’s an excerpt from your said news:

    Actions of Taiwan-based suppliers recommend a September debut for two of Apple’s most anticipated cell devices -the iPhone 5 and the iPad 3, a tech website documented above the weekend.

    Iphone 5

    Iphone 5

    Iphone 5

    Iphone 5

    Iphone 5

    Iphone 5

    Iphone 5

    Iphone 5

    Iphone 5Source URL: https://imagelala.blogspot.com/2011/08/iphone-5-release-date.html
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